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Service Times


Lifepointe Bible Study Groups for all ages

Sunday 9:15 AM

Worship Service

Sunday 10:30 AM

Facebook Live Bible Study

Sunday 7:00 PM

Wednesday Bible Study

Wednesday 7:00 PM


Wednesday 6:30 PM (Sept. - May)




4596 Bells Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45244
(513) 528-1740

Crosspointe's Online Services
Sunday service 10:30 AM and Sunday at 7:00 PM.

Crosspointe's Facebook and Instagram latest posts.

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Who We Are



We are thrilled to meet you because we are thrilled to introduce our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to you.  We pray that you’ll be able to see who we are, what we believe, how we minister to others, what we’re doing, and how you can contact us from this web site.  We look forward to seeing you at one of our services or activities in the future!

What We're Doing



At Crosspointe, all of our activities have a unified purpose - to introduce our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to a lost & dying world and to encourage men, women, boys, & girls to know Him better & to love Him more.  Click on the link below for more information about our upcoming activities.


Our Ministries



Crosspointe Baptist Church has a ministry for people of all ages because people of all ages need to know who God is and what He has done for them. Click the button below to see a summary of the ministries we have to offer at Crosspointe along with our service times.


What We Believe



At Crosspointe Baptist Church we can sum up our core beliefs like this: we believe that the Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God. As such, we honor it & study it to know who God is and what He expects of us as His creation. Click the button below to learn more about specific doctrinal beliefs at Crosspointe Baptist Church.

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© 2022 Crosspointe Baptist Church

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